It is okay to feel inadequate in a world where it is normal that people are constantly stressed, rushing from A to B, lost in their own bubble forgetting that they are part of a bigger whole, complaining continuously about things they cannot change, caught up in an endless victim mindset.
It is okay to feel inadequate in societies that reward those who put more fuel on a racing high speed train towards burnout, separation & disharmony.
Pushing, pushing, pushing.
Never enough time.
Never enough money.
Never enough energy.
Never enough.
Being sensitive is not a curse
in the right environment.
Being sensitive is a gift.
We need more peaceful, calm people
who are able to slow down & rest
who are self-reflective and skilled in emotional self-regulation
who go into forests to hug trees
who sing to the ocean
who value time in solitude & meditation.
We need people who are conscious
who dare to listen deeply into their hearts
who dare to make an effort to show up everyday
and be exactly who they are in any given moment.
It’s not about perfectionism,
only the willingness
to grow a safe space within ourselves
that we continuously nurture
and share with everyone around us.
A space that is infinitely abundant
containing all endless potentials
of love, magic, belonging & joy.