Being busy with never ending to-do lists is in my opinion always a choice as we always can choose to stop for a moment, reevaluate priorities and consciously take small little breaks that are good for us (eg. going for a walk, meditate) instead of distracting ourselves from our stress with more stimulus (eg. scrolling on social media, emotional eating).
However, often times we are so stuck in our heads and plans for the day that we don’t even notice how much we already are not in the present moment anymore.
Many blessings and opportunities may slide past us without us noticing.
Then there are those little precious moments that we notice and throw us out of our mind labyrinth.
A radiant smile from a stranger in the supermarket.
A small bird in front of us on the pathway.
An unexpected text message from someone that we haven’t heard from in a while.
A cute dog that reminds us of another dog.
A long hug from a friend.
What they have in common is that they are unexpected.
And as we are not prepared we let it in.
We let the love in.
And the heart lights up for a moment and leaves us with a exciting warmth.
Suddenly, the day seems to be a little bit brighter.
We are more awake than we were just minutes ago.
Out of the daily loop, into reality filled with magic.